February 9, 2009

It's February Again

So I've been working on the really interesting piece about climate change and Mojave, including the predicted increases in both droughts and floods and how Joshua trees wouldn't be able to adapt to shifting conditions because their seed dispersal mechanisms are adapted to extinct large megafauna like giant desert sloths, but it's not done yet.

So, instead, since it's february, i'm going to indulge in one of my favorite topics: Making way too many plans for what I should do with my life!! (or at least my summer field season). As some of you may remember from last february- I get way too excited about way too many options for summer work and turn into a total spaz. How can the shortest month have the most drama? Last year I applied for like 15 jobs, interviewed for 6, got offered 5, wrote a huge research presentation, fought with statistical analysis software, and fell into all kinds of smooshy romantic feelings for a boy who was way too nice to be my type (at the time, he later turned out to be more of a jerk that I initially gave him credit for). And, in the end, on Leap Day, the last day of the month of spaz, I made the wrong decision, and took the wrong job, and ended up doing boring work in terrible conditions for 3 months (Never again CAKN Botany!)

So this year I am trying to limit my options and make better decisions. Also, only one job has been actually offered to me so far, so this is all just a little bit premature (and therefore more fun, right?) But sometimes you need to prioritize b/c if you have to turn down one position to wait and hear about another one, which you might not get, so you have to have a backup plan.

A. I could go back to Ely. I liked my boss, the schedule, 8 on, 6 off with a great starting location for wilderness trips, great star-gazing, I know most of the plants, decent project protocol, it gets way too hot, I might get a crew lead position which would be good experience and a raise(for now, all I have guaranteed is the tech spot), and I know it won't surprise me and end up miserable. Its starts by April 1st though, which is a little sooner than I meant to leave vegas...

B. I can wait to hear from a forest service position out of Anchorage I've been coveting. Last year they didn't hire any techs b/c everyone came back from the previous season (which is a good sign for a good project- bad for my odds of joining the project) but now i'm way more qualified- that miserable summer in Denali's swamps has to bee good for something, right? I'd love to get back to Anchorage- mix the backcountry work up with a little civilization on my days off.

C. Forest-Service riparian project in Idaho and Montana. If Neil doesn't offer me a crew lead and Anchorage doesn't pan out, this could be pretty great. It's a big project, they wanted to hire me last year, and the applications not due for a few more weeks. I've never been to this area, and I really want to, so it would be a good chance to have a new adventure. I've heard recommendations on the project from friends too. Unfortunately, they only hire at the GS-5, so it's a little pay cut relative to what I would make with options A and B, but it might be worth it to see a new part of the country.

D. So, I sent out a lot of other forest service spot resumes. The website makes it so easy. The pacific northwest network and the northern rockies network, I think. It's hard to remember. I'm not attached to any of them, but it might be cool if they called me up and I learned some details. But otherwise, I'm trying to pretend that those positions don't really exist. Yet. Like I said, I'm keeping it simple this year.

Back to the familiar or out into another land unknown? It's tempting both ways- if last year's unknown hadn't been so unfortunate, I'd probably be more inclined to just jump into deep waters again, but I feel like I've learned to appreciate the usefulness of checking the water first.

Who knows? I guess it really depends on who offers me what these next few weeks. In the end, I just need to make some serious summer money, so I can visit Emily in Thailand and join Clarissa on a southeastasain backpacking adventure in the fall. Thinking about it that way, i don't even feel like a spaz at all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nah. You aren't a spaz. At least not from my perspective. And let me know if you figure out how to figure out what you want!