October 20, 2008

City Survival Skills

So this is my 5th day in NYC. I haven't even been that lost yet (knock, knock). I have concluded several important things:

1. I am a terrible tourist- I only lasted about 5 minutes in time square before I had to escape, and I didn't go to any museums.
2. Thank Goodness for city parks. I've been hiding away my time in some of the city's best parks, including the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. Especially their taxonomically inclined vegetable garden. Love.
3. It's far better to follow my friends around their real lives here than to do the tourist thing. It makes me feel like I probably could live here for a few years to get this journalism career kickstarted.
4. Visiting everyone's cool houses/apartments makes me want to unpack and live somewhere again. Bring it on- Boulder City!
5. This Columbia program is looking better and better. I'm going to class this afternoon. Wish me luck!

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